Saturday, November 20, 2010


comes in all shapes and sizes. It's not just substance. It can be anything that is indulged upon excessively. I believe right now that mine is grief. I have gotten past the alcohol part even though I still like to have a few, but for the most part, I am into a new one. I am going to focus really hard and make my new addiction success. Not become obsessed to the point where I am hurting myself or anyone else for that matter, but I am tired of the old me and want to refocus my attentions on success before I retire.
Now that I am aware of the circumstance, I can move forward.My whole new lease on life without certain individuals bringing me down. Yes I can and should love them. But I am my own business and I need to take charge of that business.  No one else is any of my business and neither are their circumstances. I will attend to my own and keep my focus on me. If I am going to have an addiction, it might as well be constructive.

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